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Haus Talblick in Rohrmoos, Schladming im Sommer

Haus Talblick in Rohrmoos, Schladming im Sommer

Das Haus Talblick in Schladming-Rohrmoos im Sommer

Die Bergstadt Schladming im Sommer

Blick auf die Bergstadt Schladming mit den beiden Kirchen

Herrlicher Spätsommerabend über dem Dörfchen Untertal

Es wird Abend über Rohrmoos und Untertal - im Hintergrund das Dachsteinmassiv.

After more than 30 years we say THANK YOU!

Haus Talblick in autumnUS, that is family Pilz from Haus Talblick. Anneliese and Willi were your hosts for the apartment at Alte Straße nr. 70 in Rohrmoos for over 30 years. Since 1987 we were renting the apartment in our house to guests from all over the world. In more than 30 years we have welcomed people from all continents and many countries, among them Australia, USA, Finland, the UK, Poland, Greece, but also from our neighbouring countries Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and of course Austria itself.

We are closing our rental, thus Anneliese and Willi say a big THANK YOU to all our guests.